Michael Scott
Miyauchi was born August
3rd, 1983 in Seattle to
parents Richard and Kathy.
He first lived in Renton,
but then moved to
Sammamish where he
welcomed his twin sisters,
Allison and Laurie.
Growing up, he
participated in T-ball,
track, and soccer. Though
small in stature, he was
able to fool his opponent
with his quickness, speed,
and ball handling.
Throughout his educational
career, Michael displayed
a talent for mathematics
and science. He attended
Skyline High School for 2
years, before enrolling at
Bellevue Community College
in the Running Start
program. Michael graduated
in 2002 with a 3.9 GPA and
attended the University of
Washington. He loved the
dorm life, rooming with
Ryan, his best friend
since kindergarten.
Michael had plenty of
hobbies throughout his
lifetime, such as
computers, traveling, and
books. One of his favorite
trips was going to Japan
with his father in 2002.
This trip dovetailed
perfectly with his love of
the culture of Japan, and
his free-time passion of
Animae and Manga. Michael
had an avid interest in
books of all sorts. He
frequently visited
libraries and bookstores.
Michael could always be
seen with his nose in the latest
sci-fi novel.
On March 31st, 2003,
Michael was diagnosed with
an aggressive form of
non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He
underwent numerous rounds
of chemotherapy and
radiation under the
supervision of Dr. Henry
Kaplan at the Swedish
Hospital in Seattle.
Despite the circumstances,
Michael remained
optimistic and hopeful.
Throughout his life and
especially during his
illness, Michael shared
his faith, hope, and love
for all in his smile, his
thoughtful sharing, and in
his generous heart.
The most important aspect
of his life was his faith
in Jesus. Michael was
involved in a church plant
on the Eastside, which
became Lighthouse
Christian Church in
Bellevue. He was one of
the founding members of
SYTE (Serving Youth on the
Eastside), the youth group
of Lighthouse Christian
Church. Michael's
Christian faith was the
most influential aspect of
his life, and is what
guided him throughout his
life and his illness.
Right after he was
diagnosed with cancer, he
was not discouraged. He
said that, "If God chooses
to heal me, then I get to
stay here with my family.
If God chooses not to heal
me, then I will get to go
to heaven. It's a win-win
situation." Michael's
faith defined his life and
was his source of
strength. He touched the
lives of so many and
continues to grow in the
lives of all who knew him.
He showed us faith in
action, hope through
living, and love through
Michael passed away May
5th, 2004 at the Swedish
Hospital at the young age
of 20 years. Close family
and friends surrounded
Michael as he went home to
Heaven. His burial place
is at Sunset Memorial Park
in Bellevue, Washington.
Although his physical body
has passed, he left behind
a tremendous legacy. The
Michael Miyauchi
Foundation was established
to preserve his generosity
and humanitarianism.
This quote is posted on
his door, and serves as a
motto for his life:
"The human spirit is
stronger than anything
that happens to it" -C.C.